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Marketing that Transforms Your Business Results from Good to Great

Marketing strategy for growing and scaling your business

Benefits of Hiring a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer

Marketing Leadership

Providing your team with the insight, focus, and direction so you so you can get time back in your day

Data-Driven Strategy

There are enough unknowns in the world...your marketing strategy shouldn't be one of them

Marketing ROI

Like an investment, marketing should make you money

Predictable Results

Sleep better at night knowing your business is hitting its targets and achieving measurable outcomes

What is a Fractional CMO?

A Fractional CMO is the part-time executive who runs your marketing team and is responsible for all of your marketing outcomes.

A great Fractional CMO will find out what your goals are and what has worked so far, and create a comprehensive marketing plan to achieve those goals.

Along the way, they will make sure your team is performing well and in good spirits. They'll also put in the systems and processes to make your marketing department a reliable asset to your company.

That's what I do for local service-based businesses like yours. I'd love to hear what your goals are... and help you reach them with marketing that gets results.

Our Clients

Let's Work Together

Half-Day Consult

You will receive a customer journey map along with actionable next steps for your marketing department. 

Fractional Chief Marketing Officer

You'll get a comprehensive marketing strategy with prioritized campaigns. I'll work with your team daily to execute the strategy I lay out.

Ongoing Advisor

With check-ins every other week, your team will stay on track and campaigns will improve. 


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A photo of Shaun Benson, Marketing Manager, Agriflora Inc.
Shaun Benson, Marketing Manager, Agriflora Inc.

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Let's Get Started

Transforming your business begins with 3 simple steps 

  • Chat

    Schedule a 15-minute call to see if a Fractional CMO is a good fit.

  • Strategy

    Then, we ll get on a longer call to deep dive into your needs. Then, I’ll share the steps I recommend with a proposal.

  • Marketing Transformation

    In the first 30 days, you’ll have a comprehensive marketing plan and the leadership to execute it over the rest of the quarter.


What Does a Fractional CMO Do?

Create your marketing strategy

Correct your messaging and positioning

Create systems for your team to follow

Map our your customer journey

Hire marketing employees and consultants to execute

Manage KPIs so your marketing makes you money

Helps develop your appropriate marketing budget

Ensures communication and action between marketing and sales

Audits technology in use for best practices

How to Know if You Need a Fractional CMO

If you answer yes to any of these, then it's time to talk! 

  • You are running your marketing team instead of being the CEO

  • You’re not sure what campaigns to have your marketing team try next

  • You don’t have your customer journey mapped out, or clear KPIs for your campaigns

  • You understand marketing could help your business, but you're not really sure where to begin


Get The Marketing Expertise You Need to Grow Your Business

Delegate your marketing outcomes to an expert to take your time back and see a greater return on your marketing budget.

Contact us

You can expect to hear back from us within 1 business day.